
raven's land

raven's land upon her hair
clouds adrift on her skin
a smile that tugs upon my soul
and whispers gently in my ear.
eyes of honey look me down
lips like roses line her mouth
steely arrows in the air
are wilted flowers at her toes
and if you ask me how i know
what she looks like, i will tell you,
"she left yesterday."
eyes are east and lips are west
pulls my head against her breast.
logic, north and lust is south,
pulls my fingers to her mouth
legs are firm as canyon walls
from leaping high above the moon.
when she drifts down on the air,
the ground can't wait to kiss her toes
voltaire - raven's land


the edge

o vento sopra por sobre o abismo. o homem caminha em direção à beira, observando o horizonte, à distância.

ele sente o abraço dos ventos em seu corpo, sussuros de antigos sonhos chegam-lhe aos ouvidos... segredos revelados a poucos.

ele olha para o abismo, abaixo. o vento parece chamá-lo. uma doce voz feminina o encoraja, enquanto toca-lhe o rosto, em forma de brisa doce.

o homem abre os braços e se entrega aos ventos e ao abismo...

então, ele sente a mudança.

ele bate os braços, agora em forma de asas negras, e se eleva, brincando nas correntes de ar... ele está livre.

e um corvo parte em busca de novos caminhos, voando alto, com um brilho novo no olhar...


ele prepara o boneco de palha com carinho... em seu íntimo, deposita ali todos os sonhos que não puderam ser realizados... pequenas lembranças de dias felizes que nunca aconteceram... uma parte de sua alma habita agora o pequeno receptáculo em forma de um pequeno ser humano.

ele observa o fogo, o transformador. vida e morte em forma de energia pura.

e ele reza para o fogo... pede a ele que consuma a culpa e as dores... pede que a sua luz indique um caminho seguro à pequena alma do boneco.

as chamas dançam, e ele pensa em todos os fogos que foram acesos no passado.

o boneco é entregue ao fogo...

ele observa a palha se consumindo... "transformação", ele pensa. "porque tudo precisa mudar, precisa passar, para que o mundo e a vida continue."

a fumaça branca se eleva, rumo ao céu... carregando em seus braços etéreos promessas de novos dias.
algumas vezes, precisamos ir longe para descobrir que o que desejávamos está ao nosso lado.

death from the sky


é... eu gosto muito de dragões sim... e daí???


feathery wings

you, there on the bridge
where have you been, whats your name?
and you, there you on the wall
where will you go to once you fall?
you, lost at sea
do you need me, do you need directions?
hey, put down the gun
what are you thinking?
you were someone's son

the taste of tears
the sting of pain
the smell of fear
the sounds of crying

a long, long time ago i fell to this place
from another dimension
and thrust amongst the beasts
and they way they behave borders on dementia
now through all these years
i can barely take it
i don't think i can make it
take me away from here
i want to go home

i'm so sick and tired of the
the taste of tears
the sting of pain
the smell of fear
the sounds of crying
as you standing at the edge of your life
what do you remember?
was it all you wanted?

i'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings
i wish i could protect you here
oh, please don't cry
now smile as you're standing
at the edge of your life
your troubles are over
mine are just beginning
i'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings
to take me away from here
its me you leave behind

if only i could have been there
i'd be a hand for the sinking
if only i could have been there
i'd be a prayer for the dying
see the pain etched in my face

i'm so sick and tired of
the taste of tears
the sting of pain
the smell of fear
the sounds of crying
as you're standing at the edge of your life
what do you remember was it all you wanted

i'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings
i wish i could protect you here
oh, please don't cry
now smile as you're standing
at the edge of your life
your troubles are over
mine are just beginning

i'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings
to take me away from here
its me you leave
you're gone from here
don't leave from here
don't leave me here
i hate it here
you're gone from here
don't leave me here
i need you here
i need to see you smile

voltaire - feathery wings

essa música é linda... linda.