
the outlaw torn

hear me
and if i close my mind in fear
please pry it open
see me
and if my face becomes sincere
hold me
and when i start to come undone
stich me together
save me
and when you see me strut
remind me of what left this outlaw torn


dias cinzas

quando ando por aí em dias cinzas, eu sinto uma paz enorme... parece que o vento me acalma, me traz uma sensação boa demais...

gosto de dias cinzas!



eu sei que essa letra é feita por uma menina... e é um tema feminino... mas é MUITO, MUITO legal:

i have scars on my body
from using myself
abusing myself
in sickness and in health
i have bruises on my body
which go away with time but remain in my mind forever
as a constant reminder of the last man i loved
i have the word 'truth' on my arm
because there is no room for honesty when you're a liar
i have a tattoo on the back of my neck which i cannot see
but i can feel
but i can feel
but i can
i have a tattoo on my stomach which in italian means 'the sweet life'
i have the word 'love' in flames surrounded by stars on my right wrist
because these five fingers go straight into the soul of man
i have the word 'hate' on my left wrist because the left hand is the hand of hate
and it was with this hand that cain knifed his brother
i'm right handed
maybe that's my problem
my ruin


sunday at night

odeio domingo à noite...

porque eu sinto esse vazio chato, todo domingo à noite?


playing with fire

fire'll never lose a fight

it can be smothered but it will always come back

to burn men's contempt and show its force

to revenge the offense to this earth

wherever i go

all i see are fools

playing with the fire

wherever i hide

someone by my side

plays with the fire

noone'll never subjugate its force

the sweet dance of flames is rebel to our wills

it can purify the dirt of souls

it will help those who'll know its laws

some are too pretentious to respect

but fate'll remember all their deeds

as the cycles start they end one day

the fire will be there to laugh and play !